This is probably a basic OO question: I\'m trying to do a nested console menu with cmd which has gone well. I also want all my sub-consoles to have access to the same object
The other answer is correct insofar as you should not be using multiple inherritance, as the following is true:
class A(object):
class B(A):
class C(A):
class D(B):
a = A()
b = B()
c = C()
d = D()
isTrue = isinstance(a,A) and isinstance(b,A) and isinstance(c,A) and isinstance(d,A)
isTrue = isTrue and isinstance(b,B)and isinstance(d,B)
isTrue = isTrue and isinstance(c,C)
isTrue = isTrue and isinstance(d,D)
>>> print isTrue
It would also be wise to create a method of your main class wich creates subcmds, passing their reference to the subcmd's __init__
function. This way you have your object spawn its children more naturally.
class MainConsole(cmd.Cmd):
def spawnsubconsole(self):
return SubConsole1(self)
def __init__(self):
cmd.Cmd.__init__(self, obj1, obj2)
self.obj1 = obj2
self.obj2 = obj2
class SubConsole1(cmd.Cmd):
def __init__(self, maincon):
self.maincon = maincon
Then you can access the objects you want by accessing self.maincon.obj1
and self.maincon.obj2
and get the sub-cmd by running maincon.spawnsubconsole()
assuming maincon is an instance of the main console class.