We have a monitoring service where our monitor units keep an eye on certain machines.
I\'m creating a form to register a new machine in Symfony2.
So we have
I tackled this problem recently, by creating a custom form type (in my case called a "selector") which has a datatransformer attached to it, which returns the monitor by serial:
The Machine type:
class MachineType extends AbstractType {
public function buildForm(FormBuilder $builder, array $options) {
$builder->add('monitor', 'monitor_selector_type');
public function getName() {
return 'machine;
The monitor selector type (Eventually this will simply be a text field (the default type parent is "text"), in which you will enter the monitor serial. The field will display an error if a non existing serial was entered.
class MonitorSelectorType extends AbstractType {
private $doctrine
public function __construct(Registry $doctrine) {
$this->doctrine = $doctrine;
public function buildForm(FormBuilder $builder, array $options) {
$transformer = new MonitorToSerialTransformer($this->doctrine->getEntityManager());
public function getDefaultOptions(array $options) {
return array(
'invalid_message'=>'The selected monitor does not exist',
public function getName() {
return 'machine;
This class transforms the serial to an actual Monitor and an actual Monitor to a serial
class MonitorToSerialTransformer {
private $em
public function __construct(EntityManager $em) {
$this->em = $em;
public function transform($val) {
if (null === $val) {
return '';
return $val->getSerial();
public function reverseTransform($val) {
if (!$val) {
return null;
$monitor = $this->em->getRepository('xBundle:Monitor')->findOneBy(array('serial' => $val));
if (null === $monitor) {
throw new TransformationFailedException('A monitor with serial '.$val.' does not exist!');
return $monitor;
finally, register the MonitorSelectorType in your service container with id "monitor_selector_type" and tag "form.type" and have doctrine injected to it.
Now it will be very easy at any random place in your application to use this selector type to select a monitor by ID. No logic has to be added to your Controller at all.
If you want a new monitor to be created when an unknown serial is entered, you can instantiate it rather than throwing the TransformationFailedException, and even persist it to your entity manager if the machine has no cascing options for the monitor.
Regards, Bart