I have a requirement to show drop down list to one particular row among several rows. My dataGridView has 2 columns (Parameter and Value) and I am adding 3 rows dynamically
It is possible to replace specific DataGridView cells at run time - in your situation for example where you want a combobox in one cell you can have a DataGridViewTextBoxColumn and replace the cell in the first row. Something like this:
void dataGridView1_DataBindingComplete(object sender, DataGridViewBindingCompleteEventArgs e)
List books = new List();
books.Add(new Book { bookID = 1, bookName = "Test-Driven Development (Kent Beck)" });
books.Add(new Book { bookID = 2, bookName = "Refactoring (Martin Fowler)" });
books.Add(new Book { bookID = 3, bookName = "Code Complete: 2nd Edition (Steve McConnell)" });
DataGridViewComboBoxCell c = new DataGridViewComboBoxCell();
c.DataSource = books;
c.Value = 1;
c.ValueMember = "bookID";
c.DisplayMember = "bookName";
dataGridView1.Rows[0].Cells[0] = c;
You can also do this the other way and replace a particular combobox cell from a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn with a DataGridViewTextBoxCell.
One thing though - while this will work, better usability might just come from setting some combo boxes to read only.