Don\'t be hard on me, it\'s my first time posting.
I\'m currently working on a wheel of fortune, which is synchronized to each connected device via node.js and webso
from 0
to 1
, or from 0.N
to 1.0
( 0.6 if a player joined at the 6th second out of 10 max) $({t: t}).animate({t: 1},
value) to the respective easing e_now
value using a custom easing functione_now
result by the desired end-degrees numberInstead of using "swing"
use "linear"
and let's take control over the easing and timing with a custom easing function (you can find many easing snippets online). Say we like the easeInOutSine
const easeInOutSine = t => -(Math.cos(Math.PI * t) - 1) / 2;
Example with 4 persons, one spinning the wheel, and other joining the show at 2, 4.5 and 8.7 seconds after the initial spin started:
const easeInOutSine = t => -(Math.cos(Math.PI * t) - 1) / 2;
function spinRoulette(sel, deg, duration = 10000) {
const $el = $(sel);
const maxDuration = 10000;
const deg_end = 720 + Math.round(deg); // 2 revolutions + server-generated degrees
const time = maxDuration - duration; // Start time in ms
const t = time / maxDuration; // Start time to 0.0-1.0 range
$({t: t}).animate({t: 1}, { // Custom jQuery anim. from 0.N to 1.0
duration: duration,
easing: "linear", // We need a linear 0.0 to 1.0
step: function(t_now) {
const e_now = easeInOutSine(t_now); // Current easing
const deg_now = e_now * deg_end; // Current degrees
$el.css({transform: `rotate(${ deg_now }deg)`});
// Person 1 spins!
spinRoulette("#r1", 45);
// Person 2 joins the room after 2s
setTimeout(() => spinRoulette('#r2', 45, 10000 - 2000), 2000);
// Person 3 joins the room after 4.5s
setTimeout(() => spinRoulette('#r3', 45, 10000 - 4500), 4500);
// Person 4 joins the room after 8.7s
setTimeout(() => spinRoulette('#r4', 45, 10000 - 8700), 8700);
img {height: 120px; display: inline-block;}
In the example above, finally, you can notice (besides some weird optical illusion) that the wheels catch-up at any point in time with the correct rotation state, velocity, and all finish at the same time with the same easing, at the exact predefined deg_end