I\'m having a rather weird problem using Rails 4, Turbolinks and a remote form. I have a form looking like:
<%= form_for [object], remote: true do |f| %&g
Turbolinks don't fully reload your page, but only part of it. This is what makes them so fast, however if you have JavaScript requiring a full page reload you will run into trouble. The reason it does work with a refresh is because now you force the page to fully reload.
Edit: This gem might be worth trying out: https://github.com/kossnocorp/jquery.turbolinks
For a little bit of extra information about the inner workings of turbolinks: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/working_with_javascript_in_rails.html#turbolinks
Or: https://github.com/rails/turbolinks
P.s. Also make sure the javascript_include_tag is within the head tag (and not in the body)