I get a LOT of errors when i Open up a newly installed PEAR package on a WAMP server. Here\'s the error messages.
What can i do?
Deprecated: Assigni
"Deprecated" means that a function or feature is no longer considered a good idea and will be removed in a future version of PHP. Since these are warnings about libraries you're using, you don't need to do anything yet except to make sure your PEAR version and packages are up to date. The libraries you use will need to be updated to make these warnings go away.
In a future version of PHP, the functions listed in your warnings will go away. You will then get fatal errors if your libraries have not been updated. Before you do another big PHP upgrade, make sure you have no deprecation warnings, or check them against the PHP upgrade docs to see if you will be impacted.
If you're getting these errors in your browser, adjust your error reporting settings. One way to do it:
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED);