Is there anyway to stop my loop from being interrupted by the rate limit? I would like my code to wait to execute until the time limit has passed if possible.
A side
I was able to resolve it by wrapping get_timeline()
function in the following code.
The function get_timeline_unlimited
calls itself recursively after waiting the required time for the rate limit to reset. So far it worked well for me with no issues.
get_timeline_unlimited <- function(users, n){
if (length(users) ==0){
rl <- rate_limit(query = "get_timeline")
if (length(users) <= rl$remaining){
print(glue("Getting data for {length(users)} users"))
tweets <- get_timeline(users, n, check = FALSE)
if (rl$remaining > 0){
users_first <- users[1:rl$remaining]
users_rest <- users[-(1:rl$remaining)]
print(glue("Getting data for {length(users_first)} users"))
tweets_first <- get_timeline(users_first, n, check = FALSE)
rl <- rate_limit(query = "get_timeline")
tweets_first <- NULL
users_rest <- users
wait <- rl$reset + 0.1
print(glue("Waiting for {round(wait,2)} minutes"))
Sys.sleep(wait * 60)
tweets_rest <- get_timeline_unlimited(users_rest, n)
tweets <- bind_rows(tweets_first, tweets_rest)