At the moment I have never had a problem with whitespace in Python (although I\'ve only used it in two projects and I was the only programmer). What are some potential pitf
It can be annoying posting code snippets on web sites that ignore your indentation.
Its hard to see how multi-line anonymous functions (lambdas) can fit in with the syntax of the language.
It makes it hard to embed Python in HTML files to make templates in the way that PHP or C# can be embedded in PHP or ASP.NET pages. But that's not necessarily the best way to design templates anyway.
If your editor does not have sensible commands for block indent and outdent it will be tedious to realign code.
Forces even lazy programmers to produce legible code. I've seen examples of brace-language code that I had to spend hours reformatting to be able to read it...
Python programmers do not need to spend hours discussing whether braces should go at the ends of lines K&R style or on lines on their own in the Microsoft style.
Frees the brace characters for use for dictionary and set expressions.
Is automatically pretty legible