I am doing a synchronous read/write using boost-asio. The data is coming in binary format, without boundary, the length information is encoded in the packet
I work on a program wich send different data with different size. I use a fixed header of 8 byte to encode the size, then, I add the data :
enum { header_length = 8 }; //const header length
I get the size (m_outbound_data is a std::string == a serialized object)
//give header length
std::ostringstream header_stream
header_stream << std::setw(header_length) //set a field padding for header
<< std::hex //set next val to hexadecimal
<< m_data_out.m_outbound_data.size(); //write size in hexa
m_data_out.m_outbound_header = header_stream.str(); //m_outbound_head == size in hexa in a std::string
//m_outbound_header = [ 8 byte size ]
//m_outbound_data = [ serialized data ]
//write all data in the std::vector and send it
std::vector buffer;
And for reading, you need to read in 2 time : 1st read 8 byte to get the size, then read the data in a vector and deserialize into object :
struct network_data_in {
char m_inbound_header[header_length]; //size of data to read
std::vector m_inbound_data; // read data
I use this struct to get data, call read on the m_inbound_header to fill the buffer with size first, then, in the handle :
//get size of data
std::istringstream is(std::string(m_data_in.m_inbound_header, header_length));
std::size_t m_inbound_datasize = 0;
is >> std::hex >> m_inbound_datasize;
m_data_in.m_inbound_data.resize(m_inbound_datasize); //resize the vector
then call again read with the m_inbound_data on buffer, this result of reading exactly the data sent In the second handle_read you juste have to deserialize the data :
//extract data
std::string archive_data (&(m_data_in.m_inbound_data[0]),m_data_in.m_inbound_data.size());
std::istringstream archive_stream(archive_data);
boost::archive::text_iarchive archive(archive_stream);
archive >> t; //deserialize
Hope that help you !