I had four changes in Gerrit, each depending on previous one (except first, of course). I\'ve abandoned second and third and reviewed first and fourth. Since first wasn\'t d
Ok, here is my revised answer
Starting point is where you have your 4 commits in a row:
#git log --graph --decorate --oneline
* 448fd95 (HEAD, master) Change 4
* 3950f5f Change 3
* 8753adf Change 2
* cdcfe20 Change 1
Next, create a temp branch from the head
#git branch temp
#git log --graph --decorate --onelin
* 448fd95 (HEAD, temp, master) Change 4
* 3950f5f Change 3
* 8753adf Change 2
* cdcfe20 Change 1
Now you need to reset your master to get rid of the unwanted history:
#git reset --hard cdcfe20
HEAD is now at cdcfe20 Change 1
#git log --graph --decorate --oneline
* cdcfe20 (HEAD, master) Change 1
Cherry pick your change 4 into the master
#git cherry-pick 448fd95
[master 19c5ba1] Change 4
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
#git log --graph --decorate --oneline
* 19c5ba1 (HEAD, master) Change 4
* cdcfe20 Change 1
Now you can push the last change to gerrit and your dependencies are fixed