I have the following dot file:
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = doublecircle]; q_5;
node [shape = circle
Graphviz does lay out the nodes depending on the edge between each other, and not in order of appearance. If you want an edge not to influence the position of any node, you can do this by adding constraint=false
Therefore, this graph:
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = doublecircle]; q_5;
node [shape = circle];
q_1 -> q_2 [ label = "." ];
q_1 -> q_2 [ label = "\epsilon", constraint=false ];
q_2 -> q_1 [ label = "\epsilon", constraint=false ];
q_2 -> q_3 [ label = "a" ];
q_3 -> q_4 [ label = "^\wedge a" ];
q_3 -> q_4 [ label = "\epsilon", constraint=false ];
q_4 -> q_3 [ label = "\epsilon", constraint=false ];
q_4 -> q_5 [ label = "b" ];
Will get you:
I had to add pad
in order to not have some of the labels cut off.