I was just using pandas datareader to get the stock data for the past two weeks or so and it was working fine. All of a sudden since yesterday the date provided wasnt worki
According to data reader docs, Yahoo!, Google Options, Google Quotes and EDGAR have been immediately deprecated due to large changes in their API and no stable replacement. Use 'iex' instead
import pandas_datareader.data as web
import datetime as dt
start = dt.datetime(2018,1,1)
end = dt.datetime(2019,1,1)
aapl = web.DataReader('AAPL', 'iex', start, end)
(251, 5)
open high low close volume
2018-01-02 167.6431 169.7514 166.7564 169.7120 25555934
2018-01-03 169.9780 171.9682 169.4165 169.6825 29517899
2018-01-04 169.9879 170.9041 169.5347 170.4707 22434597
2018-01-05 170.8746 172.7760 170.4904 172.4115 23660018
2018-01-08 171.7711 173.0125 171.3573 171.7711 20567766