How are hex sequence translated to assembly without ambiguity?

前端 未结 9 2046
忘了有多久 2021-01-06 14:59
8B EC 56 8B F4 68 00 70 40 00 FF 15 BC 82 40   

A senquence like above can be segmented in various ways,each segment can be translated to correspon

  •  有刺的猬
    2021-01-06 15:56

    There might also be some clues elsewhere about what is a valid starting address. There is always a reset vector address, and there are usually interrupt vector addresses, which all must be valid start points for blocks of code. More usefully, if you come across a jump or call instruction elsewhere which references an address in the block you are trying to decode, then that gives you another start address.

    I think I see your worry, and as far as I know its correct - if the program counter gets upset by one and that causes invalid instructions or unintended instructions to be executed, the program probably crashes. True, and also if you run into a data block and try to execute that. At least the latter can be avoided by using a Harvard architecture, where code and data are in seperate memory spaces and may be different bit widths.
