I have a question about MySql. I have a table with 7.479.194 records. Some records are duplicated. I would like to do this:
insert into new_table
select *
You don't need to group data. Try this:
delete from old_table
USING old_table, old_table as vtable
WHERE (old_table.id > vtable.id)
AND (old_table.city=vtable.city AND
AND old_table.short_code=vtable.short_code)
I can't comment posts becouse of my points ... repair table old_table; next: show:
EXPLAIN SELECT old_table.id FROM old_table, old_table as vtable
WHERE (old_table.id > vtable.id)
AND (old_table.city=vtable.city AND
AND old_table.short_code=vtable.short_code
Show: os~> ulimit -a; mysql>SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'open_files_limit';
next: Remove all os restrictions form the mysql process.
ulimit -n 1024 etc.