I have called a MySQL stored procedure from PHP using mysqli
. This has one out parameter.
$rs = $mysqli->query(\"CALL addNewUser($name,$age,@
Or even just do a "SELECT @id AS id"
then $row->id
will work fine. I always rename select columns to keep the name meaningful when necessary :-)
BTW, you can simply concatenate the call and select @... (with a ; statement delimiter) and the RS will be the returned value. Unfortunately this returns a mutli-resultset and you need to flush the full set otherwise the subsequent queries will stall. See following examples:
$db->multi_query( "CALL addNewUser($name,$age,@id);SELECT @id as id" );
$db->next_result(); // flush the null RS from the call
$rs=$db->store_result(); // get the RS containing the id
echo $rs->fetch_object()->id, "\n";
Alternatively add the select into the addNewUser and return a RS instead of out param
$rs = $db->query( "CALL addNewUser($name,$age)" );
echo $rs->fetch_object()->id, "\n";
$db->next_result(); // flush the null RS from the call
The first returns a multiquery (NULL, RS) set and the second a (RS, NULL) set, hence you can use a simple query() call which embeds the first fetch_object(), but you still need to flush the RS stack.