Does anyone know how to set the Text color or Focus Style Outline color of a WKInterfacePicker
I don\'t see it Interface Builder, not am I able to find
In fact, the selected answer did not work for me (WatchOS 5, 6), maybe because I've got two WKInterfacePicker objects side by side. The picker uses up all the space in the surrounding group, so the background (color or image) is completely invisible.
However, based on @honcheng answer, I found a 'work around', that creates a 'custom color' selection indicator. But it doesn't look exactly like the original one...
This is, what the final selection indicator would look like
[a]: Unfortunately the WKInterfacePicker object itself hasn't got a corner radius but is a sharp edged rectangle, so if you would like to have a full rectangle as the focus indicator, the picker will draw over the rounded corners. To avoid this, the corner radius must be removed. I decided to create a top/bottom indicator instead. The image shows a small 'glitch' where the corner radius interferes with the focus indication (left side of the lines). This glitch is removed, when setting all corner radiuses to '0' as mentioned above.
[b]: The (1, 0, 1, 0) creates a one pixel inset at the top and the bottom, of course an full rectangle is also possible (1, 1, 1, 1).
[c]: Of course any color (even a background image) is possible.
The 'glitch', with 'cornerRadius' not set to '0'