If we have code:
int b = 10;
int* a = &b;
std::cout << a << \" \" << &a << \" \";
As the result, the addres
Remember an address on your machine is going to be, itself, a 32 or 64-bit value (depending on your system architecture).
In your example, you have the integer b that stores the value 10 in some address, let's call it address 500
Then you have a pointer a, which stores the value 500, and IT has its own address.
What's the point? You can actually have double-pointers (or more).
You understand that in
char* string = "hello";
string is a pointer to the beginning of an array of characters
char** strings;
is a pointer to a char*. That's how you could do an array of arrays, for example.