I need to find a specific key in an array, and return both its value and the path to find that key. Example:
$array = array(
\'fs1\' =>
It looks like you are assuming the keys will always be unique. I do not assume that. So, your function must return multiple values. What I would do is simply write a recursive function:
function search($array, $key, $path='')
foreach($array as $k=>$v)
if($k == $key) yield array($path==''?$k:$path.'.'.$k, array($k=>$v));
{ // I don't know a better way to do the following...
$gen = search($v, $key, $path==''?$k:$path.'.'.$k);
foreach($gen as $v) yield($v);
This is a recursive generator. It returns a generator, containing all hits. It is used very much like an array:
$gen = search($array, 'fs3');
foreach($gen as $ret)
print_r($ret); // Prints out each answer from the generator
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