I have an array of objects that can be of any length and any depth. I need to be able to find an object by its id and then modify that object within the array. Is there an
Here's an example that extensively uses lodash. It enables you to transform a deeply nested value based on its key or its value.
const _ = require("lodash")
const flattenKeys = (obj, path = []) => (!_.isObject(obj) ? { [path.join('.')]: obj } : _.reduce(obj, (cum, next, key) => _.merge(cum, flattenKeys(next, [...path, key])), {}));
const registrations = [{
key: "123",
category: 'first',
function jsonTransform (json, conditionFn, modifyFn) {
// transform { responses: { category: 'first' } } to { 'responses.category': 'first' }
const flattenedKeys = Object.keys(flattenKeys(json));
// Easily iterate over the flat json
for(let i = 0; i < flattenedKeys.length; i++) {
const key = flattenedKeys[i];
const value = _.get(json, key)
// Did the condition match the one we passed?
if(conditionFn(key, value)) {
// Replace the value to the new one
_.set(json, key, modifyFn(key, value))
return json
// Let's transform all 'first' values to 'FIRST'
const modifiedCategory = jsonTransform(registrations, (key, value) => value === "first", (key, value) => value = value.toUpperCase())
console.log('modifiedCategory --', modifiedCategory)
// Outputs: modifiedCategory -- [ { key: '123', responses: { category: 'FIRST' } } ]