I have setup a server which hosts an \'angular2-webpack-starter\' project for the front-end and a nodejs back-end. The nginx default has two proxy_pass\'s to map the connect
It took quite a while, but I figured out the issue. Others may benefit when attempting to run on a secure site during development.
The issue was proxy_pass to ''. This causes issues.
Changing to:
AND setting devServer in webpack.dev.js to:
https: true,
https: {
key: fs.readFileSync('/etc/apache2/certwork/xxx.key'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('/etc/apache2/certwork/xxx.crt'),
ca: fs.readFileSync('/etc/apache2/certwork/ssl-bundle.crt')
solved the issue. NOTE: https: true is enough, but I wanted to make the connection as accepted as possible, hence I added the key, cert, ca stuff.
YOU will still see:
And in my case:
Since the connection to 'https://localhost:3000' still has a mismatch with the domain name. IE. localhost !== parke.dynazu.com. BUT all is working and when I move away from the webpack-dev-server, this will not be an issue.