When navigating between pages using jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap on iPhone, there is an annoying white flash that displays just before the new page loads. A simple link like t
A combination of jQuery Mobile 1.1.0 RC2 (just released) and jQuery 1.7.1 does not suffer from this problem!!! Wonderful. Great work from the jQuery Mobile team. I know this bug was haunting them!
If you still see a flash, you can drastically improve the user experience by supplying a common body background color in your CSS. For example, if you are using a dark theme, then adding this to your theme's CSS will change the 'white' flash to a 'black' flash:
background-color: black !important
Also, if you could get away without using rel="external" in your links, then the flash will be gone also. Unfortunately, depending on your design, this will possibly screw up your navigation.
I just updated to qQuery Mobile 1.1.0 final. The flash is visible when linking to external pages, i.e. not using multipage, but the flash is only a problem if the page you are linking to is complex (large) and takes a while to render. In those cases, keeping a consistent background makes the user experience quite alright.
Removing the page transition effects will also keep the interruption to a minimum by including the following javacript before including the jquery mobile library.
$(document).bind("mobileinit", function(){