Wix I18n Dev.The version of wixtoolset is V3.7. And the Installer UI is created by UIExtension. In the installation process, there are some UI strings cannot be localized. S
I already answered this question here.
Either read that or check out the paragraph called Progress Bar Messages
in Nick Ramirez' book WiX 3.6: A Developer's Guide to Windows.
The good people of packtpublishing are offering the chapter of his book containing that paragraph for free here:
Chapter 12: Localizing Your Installer. See page 329.
Another page of interest is this MSDN article: Standard Actions Reference which is also noted in the book.
Edit: Because of the comments I will post a working minimal example and a screenshot, so you see that it works:
Accompanying this example, you have to have a localisation file for your Culture. You have to set the Culture in the project properties under Build->Cultures to build
. In my case I named it es-es.wxl and the file contents follow:
Archivo no encontrado: [2]. Compruebe que el archivo existe y que puedes acceder a él.
Installazione del archivos
Archivo: [1], Tamaño de archivo: [6], Directorio: [9]
Creacion de los atajos
Atajo [1] creado
Escribir en registro
Camino: [1], Nombre: [2], valor: [3]
Registrar a los usuarios
Usario: [1]
Registrar producto
Producto: [1]
Publicar las características
Caraterística: [1]
Publicar el producto
Producto: [1]
Finalizar la instalación
Finalizar [ProductName]
Lastly a Screenshot to show you that it works:
Another edit: To localize error strings, you simply have to define Error
elements with the corresponding error numbers:
Una parte de la ruta de la carpeta no es válido. Se está vacío o supera la longitud permitida por el sistema.
The first error string is hard-coded, so that's not such a good solution. It's better to use localization files, as it is done in the second Error