I am facing this issue even after following the below settings.
Replacing ojdbc14.jar
with ojdbc6.jar
[also tried ojdbc5.jar<
JDBC drivers have both a Java version and an Oracle version. The versions are usually correlated, but it's possible for an ojdbc14.jar to support a later version of Oracle than a ojdbc6.jar. Make sure you are using the latest version of ojdbc6.jar.
Run this command to see which version of Oracle the driver was built for:
>java -jar ojdbc6.jar -getversion
Oracle JDBC 4.0 compiled with JDK6 on Thu_Jun_28_00:38:25_PDT_2012
#Default Connection Properties Resource
#Mon Dec 21 12:38:41 CST 2015
For SQLNET.ORA changes, to be safe you should restart both the listener and the database. This sounds extreme, but there are some parameters that require restarting the database.
Also make sure that you are modifying all relevant SQLNET.ORA files. If the database's Oracle home is different than the listener's Oracle home you should modify both.