What code does: I have a code that moves the mouse around the screen, takes printscreens and pastes it to excel.
Problem: For some
First of all, Copy and paste the following code in your Excel Sheet’s Module (Ex:-Module-1)...
Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Integer
Private Const kCapital = 20
Private Const kNumlock = 144
Public Function CapsLock() As Boolean
CapsLock = KeyState(kCapital)
End Function
Public Function NumLock() As Boolean
NumLock = KeyState(kNumlock)
End Function
Private Function KeyState(lKey As Long) As Boolean
KeyState = CBool(GetKeyState(lKey))
End Function
Then, Copy and Paste the following in your Sheet's Code (Ex:- Sheet1 (Code))...
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Range("XFD1").FormulaR1C1 = "=NumLock()"
If Range("XFD1").Value = "FALSE" Then
SendKeys "{NUMLOCK}"
End If
End Sub
Now Chill!!! For Each SelectionChange you make, Excel Refreshes itself and It makes sure that Numlock is On Always. Replace "Capslock" instead of Numlock if you need it so as the case may be.
Thanks. Sashi Elit :)