I have the following routes:
url: \"\",
abstract: true,
resolve: {
Based on this Q & A
angular-ui-router with requirejs, lazy loading of controller
I created this working plunker, which is able to load controller with RequireJS and inject state resolve
- from Parent or from the Child itself
This would be the state defintion:
abstract: true,
resolve: {
dataNeeded: function(aService) {
return aService.getDataMethod()
.then(function(response){ return response.data }); //.$promise;
template: " ",
.state("base.other", {
url: "/other",
template: "The message from ctrl: {{message}}" +
and someResolved: {{someResolved}}" +
and dataNeeded: {{dataNeeded | json}}
" +
controller: "OtherCtrl",
resolve: {
someResolved: function() { return "This is resolved value for key 'someResolved'" },
loadOtherCtrl: ["$q", function($q) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
require(["OtherCtrl"], function() { deferred.resolve(); });
return deferred.promise;
For more details read complete explanation here...
And this is the controller for RequireJS:
define(['app'], function (app) {
// the Default Controller
// is added into the 'app' module
// lazily, and only once
.register('OtherCtrl',['$scope', 'dataNeeded', 'aService', 'someResolved',
function ($scope, dataNeeded, aService, someResolved) {
$scope.message = "OtherCtrl";
$scope.someResolved = someResolved;
$scope.dataNeeded = dataNeeded;
Check it here in action