I created a directive in order to make a input that has width automatically resized when keyup (like Google Contacts). However it seems not to be ok, because the width of ea
You can create a dummy span to store the same string you have in your input textfield.
On keyup you refresh the span content and get the new length.
It is better you create a css rule with text style definition for both span and input text, so you are sure they have the same font style.
Your directive would look like this:
app.directive("editInline", function(){
return function(scope, element, attr){
var elInput = element.find('input');
var elDummy = element.find('span');
var inputText = elInput.val();
elInput.bind("keyup", function(){
var inputText = elInput.val();
elInput.css('width', elDummy[0].offsetWidth + 'px');
input, .dummy {
font-size: 12px;
font-family: Arial;
.dummy {
visibility:hidden; // this would prevent the dummy text to be shown without losing its size
Here you can see the plunker