I have been working with timezone conversions lately and am quite astonished by the result i get.Basically, i want to convert a date from one timezone into another. below is
Are you restricted to using TimeZone and Calendar? If not I suggest using the excellent Library JodaTime which makes handling time zones much easier.
Your example would then look like this:
public static void convertTimeZoneJoda(String date, String time, DateTimeZone fromTimezone, DateTimeZone toTimeZone) {
DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("dd/MM/yyyyHH:mm").withZone(fromTimezone);
DateTime dt = dtf.parseDateTime(date+time).withZone(toTimeZone);
System.out.println("Time in " + toTimeZone.getID() + " : " + dt.toString());
public static void main(String[] args) {
convertTimeZoneJoda("23/04/2013", "23:00", DateTimeZone.forID("EST5EDT"), DateTimeZone.forID("GMT"));
JodaTime also allows for convenient conversation between TimeZone and DateTimeZone.