I\'m new to Laravel and I am handed an existing application that is composed of two parts:
1 - An admin backend built on Laravel and uses Vueify
2 - The fron
You can decompose routes in as many files as you want, you can also give each file its own prefix (like how api.php
routes start with /api
The modification need to be done in App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider
//in map() add $this->mapApiTwoRoutes()
public function map()
$this->mapApiTwoRoutes();//<---this one
//now add the method mapApiTwoRoutes
protected function mapApiTwoRoutes()
Route::prefix('api2')//<-- prefix in the url
->middleware('api')//<-- api middleware (throttle and such check App\Http\Kernal.php)
->namespace('App\Http\Controllers') //<-- you can modify the namespace of the controllers
->group(base_path('routes/apiTwo.php'));//<-- file containing the routes
And that's it.