I would like to have the OS and the Browser in the body class. I need that for pixelperfect styling, because the fonts do not behave the same way in different OS / Browser c
You could use regex, but it wouldn't make it any prettier.
Basically, scanning user agent strings for browser/os/version is never going to be beautiful.
Here is something a little prettier with jQuery...
// Add some classes to body for CSS hooks
// Get browser
$.each($.browser, function(i) {
return false;
// Get OS
var os = [
var match = navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase().match(new RegExp(os.join('|')));
if (match) {
This doesn't quite give you the same classes as above, but enough to differentiate different OS and browser.
For example, you could target Firefox on Windows with...
body.windows.mozilla {
background: blue;
See it!
Or use a plugin.