I\'m trying to read a binary file into R but this file has rows of data written in binary code. So it doesnt have one full set of data belonging to one column instead it is
You could open the file as a raw file, then issue readBin or readChar commands to get each line. Append each value to a column as you go.
my.file <- file('path', 'rb')
id <- integer(0)
response <- character(0)
Loop around this block:
id = c(id, readBin(my.file, integer(), size = 4, endian = 'little'))
response = c(response, readChar(my.file, 1))
readChar(my.file, size = 1) # For UNIX newlines. Use size = 2 for Windows newlines.
Then create your data frame.
See here: http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/r/faq/read_binary.htm