I\'m trying to connect to a mysql database from a different server to the one the database is hosted on but I\'m getting an error.
I\'m guessing it might be somethi
I would say, that your login credentials or Network settings are wrong: See this post for further help: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_does_MySQL_error_number_10060_mean
If you don't have access from outside use tunneling, here is an example:
$connection = ssh2_connect('SERVER IP', 22);
ssh2_auth_password($connection, 'username', 'password');
$tunnel = ssh2_tunnel($connection, 'DESTINATION IP', 3307);
$db = new mysqli_connect('', 'DB_USERNAME', 'DB_PASSWORD',
'dbname', 3307, $tunnel)
or die ('Fail: '.mysql_error());