For debugging, it is often useful to tell if a particular function is higher up on the call stack. For example, we often only want to run debugging code when a certain funct
I don't really like this approach, but here's a fixed-up version of what you were doing:
from collections import defaultdict
import threading
functions_on_stack = threading.local()
def record_function_on_stack(f):
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
if not getattr(functions_on_stack, "stacks", None):
functions_on_stack.stacks = defaultdict(int)
functions_on_stack.stacks[wrapped] += 1
result = f(*args, **kwargs)
functions_on_stack.stacks[wrapped] -= 1
if functions_on_stack.stacks[wrapped] == 0:
del functions_on_stack.stacks[wrapped]
return result
wrapped.orig_func = f
return wrapped
def function_is_on_stack(f):
return f in functions_on_stack.stacks
def nested():
if function_is_on_stack(test):
print "nested"
def test():
This handles recursion, threading and exceptions.
I don't like this approach for two reasons:
A better approach would be to examine the stack directly (possibly as a native extension for speed), and if possible, find a way to cache the results for the lifetime of the stack frame. (I'm not sure if that's possible without modifying the Python core, though.)