I want to use Proguard mainly for obfuscation reasons.
I have a problem with proguard in Android. I used simpleframework to parse XML; its external.
In prog
Thanks to eXistPierre post, this is the minimum I needed to get it working:
-libraryjars /lib/rt.jar(java/**,javax/**)
-keep public class org.simpleframework.**{ *; }
-keep class org.simpleframework.xml.**{ *; }
-keep class org.simpleframework.xml.core.**{ *; }
-keep class org.simpleframework.xml.util.**{ *; }
-keepattributes *Annotation*
-keepattributes Signature
I also needed to add the following so I could read and write my class objects:
-keepclassmembers class com.package.app.ClassItem{ *; }