I have did tried to use the code from this answer:
How to get minimum order amount for free shipping in woocommerce
But it return a NULL
The code of this answer: How to get minimum order amount for free shipping in woocommerce
is obsolete with WooCommerce version 2.6+, but it was helpful for this functional answer…
After making some search and some tries, I have found the way to get the minimum Order amount that is set in the Free Shipping method, for a specific Zone (Region):
Here is the working tested code (explanations are commented inside):
// Here you get (as you already know) the used shipping method reference
$chosen_methods = WC()->session->get( 'chosen_shipping_methods' );
// Replacing inside the string ':' by '_'
$option_value = str_replace(':', '_', $chosen_methods[0]);
// We concatenate the string with additional sub-strings
$option_value = 'woocommerce_'.$option_value.'_settings';
// Just a test => outputting the string to see what we get
echo $option_value; echo '
// Now we can get the options values with that formatted string
$free_shipping_settings = get_option( $option_value );
// Just for test => we output the (pre-formatted) array of values to check
echo ''; print_r($free_shipping_settings); echo '
// Here we get the value of the order min amount (Finally!)
$order_min_amount = $free_shipping_settings['min_amount'];
// We output the value (to check)
echo 'Order min amount: '.$order_min_amount;
Bingo! you get it.