How can I get the full Wikipedia revision-history list? (Don\'t want to scrape)
import wapiti
import pdb
import pylab as plt
client = wapiti.WapitiClient(\
If you use pywikibot you can pull a generator that will run through the full revision history for you. For example, to get a generator that will step through all the revisions (including their content) for the page "pagename" in English Wikipedia, use:
site = pywikibot.Site("en", "wikipedia")
page = pywikibot.Page(site, "pagename")
revs = page.revisions(content=True)
There's a lot more parameters you can apply to the query. You can find the API documentation here
Of note is:
revisions(reverse=False, total=None, content=False, rollback=False, starttime=None, endtime=None)
Generator which loads the version history as Revision instances.
pywikibot appears to be the approach taken by many wikipedia editors to automate editing.