For a web application, it seems like a good way to handle the session is to use the setting
I solved it by creating my own session context class:
public class HybridWebSessionContext : CurrentSessionContext
private const string _itemsKey = "HybridWebSessionContext";
[ThreadStatic] private static ISession _threadSession;
// This constructor should be kept, otherwise NHibernate will fail to create an instance of this class.
public HybridWebSessionContext(ISessionFactoryImplementor factory)
protected override ISession Session
var currentContext = ReflectiveHttpContext.HttpContextCurrentGetter();
if (currentContext != null)
var items = ReflectiveHttpContext.HttpContextItemsGetter(currentContext);
var session = items[_itemsKey] as ISession;
if (session != null)
return session;
return _threadSession;
var currentContext = ReflectiveHttpContext.HttpContextCurrentGetter();
if (currentContext != null)
var items = ReflectiveHttpContext.HttpContextItemsGetter(currentContext);
items[_itemsKey] = value;
_threadSession = value;