I am trying to execute this script in Oracle 11g and getting the following error, I dont know where I am missing the paranthesis or what is the mistake kindly help me figure
You can specify foreign keys inline, you just need to remove the foreign key
user_role_id INT NOT NULL ,
Users_user_id INT REFERENCES Users,
User_Types_user_type VARCHAR(20) REFERENCES User_Types,
PRIMARY KEY(user_role_id)
SQLFiddle example: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!4/4ca9f/1
Listing the primary key columns in the "references" part is optional. If you prefer, you can also write REFERENCES Users(user_id)
This format also has the disadvantage that the constraint names will be generated by Oracle (with a meaningless name). In order to be able to properly specify a constraint name for the foreign key, you need to use the syntax in the accepted answer.