I have a Volley Request code
RequestQueue queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this);
String url =;
// Request a string response from the provided U
you can write a class extends Request.(override getHeaders() and so on) just like
public abstract class AbsRequest extends Request{
public AbsRequest(int method, String url, Response.ErrorListener listener) {
this(method, url, null, listener);
public AbsRequest(int method, String url, Map params, Response.ErrorListener listener) {
this(method, url, params, null, listener);
public AbsRequest(int method, String url, Map params, Map head, Response.ErrorListener listener) {
this(method, url, params, head, null, listener);
public AbsRequest(int method, String url, Map params, Map head, String bodyContentType, Response.ErrorListener listener) {
this(method, url, params, null, head, bodyContentType, listener);
public AbsRequest(int method, String url, String body, Map head, String bodyContentType, Response.ErrorListener listener) {
this(method, url, null, body, head, bodyContentType, listener);
private AbsRequest(int method, String url, Map params, String body, Map head, String bodyContentType, Response.ErrorListener listener) {
super(method, url, listener);
for more information you can see https://github.com/Caij/CodeHub/blob/master/lib/src/main/java/com/caij/lib/volley/request/AbsRequest.java how to use can see https://github.com/Caij/CodeHub/tree/master/app/src/main/java/com/caij/codehub/presenter/imp