I have the line:
Make sure the SQL Server Agent service is running
Right-click on the SQL Server Agent job named ASPState_Job_DeleteExpiredSessions
and click "View History" - Make sure this job is running successfully every 1 minute.
In my case, somehow (probably during one of multiple installs involving named instances) my SQL Server Agent had its property Connection -> Alias Localhost Server
set to just the server name and not the servername\instancename.
When this change happened, the ASPState_Job_DeleteExpiredSessions
appeared to run indefinitely and could not be stopped. So, I attempted to re-start the SQL Server Agent service, but it would not start back up. However, once I changed the Connection -> Alias Localhost Server
property to servername\instancename, SQL Server Agent started right back up and the ASPState_Job_DeleteExpiredSessions
job started running successfully once a minute like it should.....and this obviously solved my timeout problem.