i have integrate a google map on my website but when i open inspect element map will work and when i close map will disappear. Please let me know what the problem
To explain what happens when you open the dev-tools: The viewport-size of the window changes, the resize-event of the window fires and the size of the map will be re-calculated. The same will happen when you resize the window in any other manner.
Related to the usage of tabs(http://jsfiddle.net/KhwZS/1300/): The map-tab initially is hidden(the map-size is 0x0), trigger the resize-event of the window when the map-tab has been activated(which will force the re-calculation of the map-size):
$( ".tabs" ).tabs({
activate: function( event, ui ) {if(ui.newPanel.has('#map-canvas')){
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/KhwZS/1476/
As it's still unclear which code creates the map in the screenshot my answer is: trigger the resize-event of the window or map when you show the map