I\'d like to be able to do this:
struct A {
A(int i) { }
struct B {
B() { }
B(const char*
I think I understand what you want. std::pair
has a similar feature:
std::pair p(std::piecewise_construct
, std::forward_as_tuple(foo, bar)
, std::forward_as_tuple(qux) );
// p.first constructed in-place as if first(foo, bar) were used
// p.second constructed in place as if second(qux) were used
As you can see this has a lot of benefits: exactly one T
and U
construction each takes place, neither T
and U
are required to be e.g. MoveConstructible, and this only costs the constructions of two shallow tuples. This also does perfect forwarding. As a warning though, this is considerably harder to implement without inheriting constructors, and I will use that feature to demonstrate a possible implementation of a piecewise-constructor and then attempt to make a variadic version of it.
But first, a neat utility that always come in handy when variadic packs and tuples are involved:
struct indices {
using next = indices;
struct build_indices {
using type = typename build_indices::type::next;
struct build_indices<0> {
using type = indices<>;
typename build_indices<
// Normally I'd use RemoveReference+RemoveCv, not Decay
{ return {}; }
So now if we have using tuple_type = std::tuple
then make_indices
yields a value of type indices<0, 1, 2, 3>
First, a non-variadic case of piecewise-construction:
class pair {
// Front-end
pair(std::piecewise_construct_t, Ttuple&& ttuple, Utuple&& utuple)
// Doesn't do any real work, but prepares the necessary information
: pair(std::piecewise_construct
, std::forward(ttuple), std::forward(utuple)
, make_indices(), make_indices() )
T first;
U second;
// Back-end
, Ttuple&& ttuple, Utuple&& utuple
, indices, indices)
: first(std::get(std::forward(ttuple))...)
, second(std::get(std::forward(utuple))...)
Let's try plugging that with your mixin:
template class... Mixins>
struct Mix: Mixins>... {
// Front-end
Mix(std::piecewise_construct_t, Tuples&&... tuples)
: Mix(typename build_indices::type {}
, std::piecewise_construct
, std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward(tuples)...)
, std::make_tuple(make_indices()...) )
// Note: GCC rejects sizeof...(Mixins) but that can be 'fixed'
// into e.g. sizeof...(Mixins) even though I have a feeling
// GCC is wrong here
static_assert( sizeof...(Tuples) == sizeof...(Mixins)
, "Put helpful diagnostic here" );
// Back-end
typename TupleOfTuples
, typename TupleOfIndices
// Indices for the tuples and their respective indices
, int... Indices
Mix(indices, std::piecewise_construct_t
, TupleOfTuples&& tuple, TupleOfIndices const& indices)
: Mixins>(construct>>(
, std::get(indices) ))...
construct(Tuple&& tuple, indices)
using std::get;
return T(get(std::forward(tuple))...);
As you can see I've gone one level higher up with those tuple of tuples and tuple of indices. The reason for that is that I can't express and match a type such as std::tuple
(what's the relevant pack declared as? int...... Indices
?) and even if I did pack expansion isn't designed to deal with multi-level pack expansion too much. You may have guessed it by now but packing it all in a tuple bundled with its indices is my modus operandi when it comes to solving this kind of things... This does have the drawback however that construction is not in place anymore and the Mixins<...>
are now required to be MoveConstructible.
I'd recommend adding a default constructor, too (i.e. Mix() = default;
) because using Mix m(std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(), std::forward_as_tuple());
looks silly. Note that such a defaulted declaration would yield no default constructor if any of the Mixin<...>
is not DefaultConstructible.
The code has been tested with a snapshot of GCC 4.7 and works verbatim except for that sizeof...(Mixins)