I am working on a asp.net web site, like normal user, we use asp.net developer server during coding and testing. Today, I found the firefox not cache any static file of my s
According to my running of Fiddler2, it caches the files, ie 304s(Not Modified) responses are done
Same behanviour occurs in both IE 8 and FF 3.6.8 IE8 has to be set to Automatically check for new versions of a page for this to occur.
Running it on IIS causes both FF and IE to cache static content.
This caching is due to the webserver adding a last-modified header to the response.
You can get fiddler to listen to localhost
by using localhost.
instead ( http://weblogs.asp.net/asptest/archive/2008/08/13/tip-on-using-fiddler-with-cassini-and-localhost.aspx ).