I am trying to make use of a C library in an iPhone project. I am very green with iPhone development. My Library
I have been battling for days now to try and get th
The problem is that the include file in /usr/include are for Mac OS X, not for the iPhone/iPad. If you want to get things to work you will have to add (at least) the flags that Kay mentioned in her comment...
A much easier way to go about this is to use XCode. Just create a new project (choose the Cocoa Touch Static Library) and add the source files. According to the Makefile you will need to add: utils.c dcc.c errors.c portable.c sockets.c colors.c
Hope this helps.
You might also check out IRCClient which is a Objective-C wrapper for the library you are using. No point reinventing the wheel!
Turns out the Objective-C wrapper is aimed at Mac OS X not iOS
Here's what you need to do to get this to compile:
Get the sources fresh:
svn co https://libircclient.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/libircclient libircclient
Change into the libircclient/trunk/libircclient/src directory and run
Note: this is a slightly dirty trick. This is really configuring for Mac OS X but most of the times things are similar enough for this to work. This generates a file called config.h in include.
Fire up XCode and choose to create a new Cocoa Touch static library. When prompted create a new directory libircclient/trunk/libircclient/iOS and save the new project there.
Add the file libircclient.c from libircclient/trunk/libircclient/src to the project. It turns out that this file includes all the other C files.
Open your project settings and add ../../include to you search header path.
Build and enjoy!