I am getting below exception while running an application. This application read abc.properties file,
Exception in thread \"main\" java.util.MissingResourceExcept
Follow the hints in this post and see if you made one of those mistakes, which could be (copy pasted from the link):
These resource properties files are loaded by classloader, similar to java classes. So you need to include them in your runtime classpath.
These resources have fully-qualified-resource-name, similar to a fully-qualified-class-name, excerpt you can't import a resource into your java source file. Why? because its name takes the form of a string.
tells the classloader to load a resource named "config" with default package (that is, no package). It does NOT mean a resource in the current package that has the referencing class.
tells the classloader to load a resource named "config" with package "com.cheng.scrap." Its fully-qualified-resource-name is "com.cheng.scrap.config"