How do I do it? Is there any reason I shouldn\'t?
I have a winform ClickOnce App that has about 13mbs in DLLs that are not mine so I would have no need/ability to u
Here is what I have done in past and it was worked well for me. I have the ClickOnce app look for some of these dependences in the GAC. In fact it checks every time the application loads. I use a simple file exists to see if the dependences are in the GAC. If the dependence is missing I display a message that you are missing some dependence and some instructions on how to fix it. Then I shell out and download a self extracting exe that installs the dependences in the GAC. It is a little Rube Goldbergen, but it has worked surprising well for me.
I would only put things in the GAC that are going to be static for the foreseeable future 3rd party controls etc.
I have a pretty fat client that includes MS Reporting, Infragistics, and SMO among others that we deploy one a week or so that is roughly 3.5MB. Many of our uses are very remote and use data cards you internet access.