I have to work an an old application that used binaryFormatter to serialize application data into filestream (say in a file named \"data.oldformat\") without any optimizazio
since you've already implemented the ISerializable interface, you've probably also already added the required constructor:
public MainClass(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) {}
you can use the info-object passed to the constructor to retrieve data from the serialized file. by default (i.e. when no ISerializable is implemented), the fields names are used as identifiers during serialization. so if your old class had a field "int x" you can deserialize this using:
this.x = info.GetInt32("x");
for newer versions i normally add a "version" entry during serialization, like this:
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) {
info.AddValue("version", 1);
info.AddValue("othervalues", ...);
during deserialization you can check this version entry and deserialize accordingly:
public MainClass(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) {
int version;
try {
version = info.GetInt32("version");
catch {
version = 0;
switch (version) {
case 0:
// deserialize "old format"
case 1:
// deserialize "new format, version 1"
throw new NotSupportedException("version " + version + " is not supported.");
i haven't compiled that code, might contain typos.
hope that helps.