According to this question, I want to know if\'s system.web.caching.cache is good for me, or I should use database caching?
So, I need to know how much memor
One fast way to see how many working memory your application use is to direct ask the garbage collection.
long bytes = GC.GetTotalMemory(false);
txtMemoryUsed.Text = bytes.ToString();
and use this literal
But you can get more details using the PerformanceCounter
, for example you can get how many virtual memory the pools used by this code:
var oPerfCounter = new PerformanceCounter();
oPerfCounter.CategoryName = "Process";
oPerfCounter.CounterName = "Virtual Bytes";
oPerfCounter.InstanceName = "aspnet_wp";
txtMemorysUsed.Text = "Virtual Bytes: " + oPerfCounter.RawValue + " bytes";
You can use all this parameters to get information's for your pool.
Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time
Process(aspnet_wp)\% Processor Time
Process(aspnet_wp)\Private Bytes
Process(aspnet_wp)\Virtual Bytes
Process(aspnet_wp)\Handle Count
Microsoft® .NET CLR Exceptions\# Exceps thrown / sec
ASP.NET\Application Restarts
ASP.NET\Requests Rejected
ASP.NET\Worker Process Restarts (not applicable to IIS 6.0)
Memory\Available Mbytes
Web Service\Current Connections
Web Service\ISAPI Extension Requests/sec
for example, this parametres get the cpu load.
oPerfCounter.CategoryName = "Processor";
oPerfCounter.CounterName = "% Processor Time";
oPerfCounter.InstanceName = "_Total";
txtOutPut.Text = "Current CPU Usage: " + oPerfCounter.NextValue() + "%";
relative: Monitoring ASP.NET application memory from within the application
I have test that on local iis and works.