I have a PostgreSQL 8.3 database where table inheritance is being used. I would like to get a list of all tables along with its schema name which is inherited from a base ta
The following statement retrieves all child tables of the table public.base_table_name
select bt.relname as table_name, bns.nspname as table_schema
from pg_class ct
join pg_namespace cns on ct.relnamespace = cns.oid and cns.nspname = 'public'
join pg_inherits i on i.inhparent = ct.oid and ct.relname = 'base_table_name'
join pg_class bt on i.inhrelid = bt.oid
join pg_namespace bns on bt.relnamespace = bns.oid
It should work with 8.3 although I'm not 100% sure.