I have this query that finds all tables and views that matches my column name of a certain database. I am using SQL SERVER 2008
SELECT table
Finding code across databases, the easiest way I've found is to sling a view with the below SQL in each DB then put in a master view that UNIONs them across the DBs. Bit of a pain if you've got loads of DBs or some you can't touch, but works well otherwise for me.
s.name as SchemaName,
objs.name as ObjectName,
OBJECT_DEFINITION(objs.object_id) AS ObjectDefinition
(SELECT object_id, name, 'Proc' as ObjectType
FROM sys.procedures p
select object_id, name, 'View'
from sys.views
SELECT object_id, Name, type
FROM sys.objects o
WHERE o.[type] IN ('fn', 'fs', 'ft', 'if', 'tf')) objs
inner join sys.objects o
on objs.object_id=o.object_id
inner join sys.schemas s
on o.schema_id=s.schema_id
Columns (as in find a column in an abstract table on any database on the server), you could do the same thing and just UNION the information schemas, but that won't work for what I want so I'm on the hunt for a more general solution - will add it if I find it!