I\'ve used react-native-fcm
for remote notification in android and iPhone.
In Android foreground I\'m not be able to getting re
According to the official Github of react-native-fcm, this library is depreciated. You can use the react-native-firebase for generating notification. I was able to get the notifications working in about 2 hours for android. If you want the code I can share it. good luck.
Update - Sorry I couldn't answer earlier because of my office account.
This is my code for showing android foreground notifications.
.then(response => console.log('response from FCM TOPIC' + response))
.catch(error => console.log('error from FCM TOPIC'+ error));
this.notificationListener = firebase.notifications().onNotification(notification => {
let notificationMessage = notification._android._notification._data.action;
let recordId = notification._android._notification._data.recordID;
let { title, body } = notification;
// console.log('ttttt', notification)
// notification.android.setAutoCancel(false)
console.log(title, body, notificationMessage, recordId);
const channelId = new firebase.notifications.Android.Channel(
let notification_to_be_displayed = new firebase.notifications.Notification({
data: notification._android._notification._data,
sound: 'default',
show_in_foreground: true,
title: notification.title,
body: notification.body,
if (Platform.OS == 'android') {
console.log('FOREGROUND NOTIFICATION LISTENER: \n', notification_to_be_displayed);